
Unless otherwise notified, orders will be shipped within 48 hours of being placed. After the order has been shipped, an order fulfillment email with the tracking number will be sent through our system.

Shipping rates will be calculated based on real-time rates at checkout.

For any special requests regarding shipping and delivery dates, please contact us at

U.S. Domestic Orders:

All orders shipped from our warehouse located in Los Angeles are dispatched through UPS Ground.

Some of our products may be fulfilled by our international fulfillment center located in South Korea and shipped via DHL.

If you require a delivery confirmation signature, please indicate so in the "Order Note" section during checkout. Please be aware that an additional $5 fee will be charged separately for this service.

Packages that are lost, stolen, or damaged and do not have a 'Delivery Confirmation Signature' may not be covered by shipping insurance.

If an item is returned to us due to rejection or an incorrect address, additional shipping fees will be charged for the return shipment.


International Shipping:

All international orders shipped from our Los Angeles warehouse will be dispatched through an appropriate shipping courier at the time of shipping, unless the customer has requested a specific courier.

Some of our products may be fulfilled by our international fulfillment center located in South Korea and shipped via DHL.

Please note that the international shipping charge DOES NOT COVER TAXES AND IMPORT DUTIES that may be imposed by customs in the destination country.

These duties are the responsibility of the recipient.

If we receive returned items due to rejection or an incorrect address, there will be additional charges for return shipping.

These charges may exceed the original shipping cost and will depend on the courier's policy.